Virgo - ruled by Mercury. Refinement, Analysis, Connectivity, Harvest, Healing. Mutable Earth.
VIRGO| MERCURY - our visual & sonic approach
Mercury rules both, Virgo & Gemini. The God of magic, commerce, eloquence, letters, travellers, trickery, thieves, medicine and occult wisdom is identified with the Greek Hermes and Egyptian Toth. Hermes was the original Hermaphrodite, united in one body with Aphrodite. Psychopomp & Conductor of Souls, he helped compose the alphabet, controlled the elements, became patron of alchemists & protector of crossroads. Mercury's symbol is a circle with a cross below and a crescent above, representing the four quarters of the earth, the four elements, the four winds, the solstices and equinoxes represented by their zodiacal totems Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius – adopted by Christians to represent the four Evangelists. The crescent signifies its mother, the moon. Mercury is the smallest planet in our galaxy, closest to the sun. It doesn’t have seasons and some believe it used to be a satellite body to Venus (which is associated with Aphrodite!). The metal Mercury is the only one that is liquid at room temperature. Fennel, Lavender, Citrin, Parsley, magic mushroom, wings, feathers, reflective surfaces, The Magician in Tarot.
Zodiac Sounds create images, still and moving, which are leaning on these themes and archetypes. Exploring, connecting & conveying them. Our sonic ventures through the Zodiac Signs begin with assigning each to its individual tone. Doing this, we do not follow the traditional method, which is linear, starting with Aries, the first Zodiac Sign, and associating it with C, the first tone of the scale. That would mean to combine D/Taurus, E/Gemini and so forth. Regarding harmony and triad though, it makes much more sense for us, to take a new, our own, approach. Our compositions are based on the Pythagorean circle of fifths and the astrological elements Fire, Earth, Water & Air.
The keynotes for each element's Zodiac Signs are related to each other via 120° angles. An Earth Sign triangle (Taurus-A/Virgo-E/Capricorn-B), a Water triangle, a Fire triangle, the Air triangle. The melodies are composed of recurring motifs which derive from every Zodiac Sign's constellation of stars in the night sky. Via these motifs we improvise and use a third tool, our perception, which conducts pace & rhythm of the music. In doing so, we totally trust and follow our hearts, minds and bodies, which are powered and driven by the formidable & unfathomable universe.
Zodiac Sounds create images, still and moving, which are leaning on these themes and archetypes. Exploring, connecting & conveying them. Our sonic ventures through the Zodiac Signs begin with assigning each to its individual tone. Doing this, we do not follow the traditional method, which is linear, starting with Aries, the first Zodiac Sign, and associating it with C, the first tone of the scale. That would mean to combine D/Taurus, E/Gemini and so forth. Regarding harmony and triad though, it makes much more sense for us, to take a new, our own, approach. Our compositions are based on the Pythagorean circle of fifths and the astrological elements Fire, Earth, Water & Air.
The keynotes for each element's Zodiac Signs are related to each other via 120° angles. An Earth Sign triangle (Taurus-A/Virgo-E/Capricorn-B), a Water triangle, a Fire triangle, the Air triangle. The melodies are composed of recurring motifs which derive from every Zodiac Sign's constellation of stars in the night sky. Via these motifs we improvise and use a third tool, our perception, which conducts pace & rhythm of the music. In doing so, we totally trust and follow our hearts, minds and bodies, which are powered and driven by the formidable & unfathomable universe.
Music for VIRGO
(© 2020 by Zodiac Sounds)
E minor as key scale. Musical motif: B flat | B | C | G | D.
This is an excerpt of a 6min recording.
If you wish to listen to the complete composition, please get in touch.
(© 2020 by Zodiac Sounds)
E minor as key scale. Musical motif: B flat | B | C | G | D.
This is an excerpt of a 6min recording.
If you wish to listen to the complete composition, please get in touch.
Visual Arts for Virgo, © 2020 by Zodiac Sounds
Our information and interpretations stem from various sources. The most important cited are: Barbara Walker "The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths & Secrets" & the awesome online collective Witchipedia.